3 Reasons for Challenging and Defiant Behaviors – Mother’s Guide to Autism

Mother's Guide Through Autism

I was thrilled to be a guest on Mother’s Guide through Autism, hosted by Brigitte Shipman. We discussed the three reasons for challenging and defiant behaviors. You can listen to the entire podcast for free by streaming on all your favorite podcast platforms, on the Mother’s Guide to Autism Podcast website, or simply using the embedded podcast below:

My Experience on The Mother’s Guide through Autism

The Mother’s Guide through Autism Podcast focuses on families facing the challenges of Autism along with the related behavioral, communication, and relationship challenges. The goal of the podcast is to provide information and parenting insights to support families to travel this journey as smoothly and constructively as possible (from the point of view of the parent/caregiver, the child/youth, and other family members).

The Pillars for Success and Mother’s Guide through Autism Podcast feel like a “perfect fit” together. Brigitte Shipman was a gracious hostess for this discussion. Having raised a child on the Autism spectrum, Brigitte has definitely “walked the walk” and survived the challenges presented by Autism. She parented a son who has successfully grown into adulthood and is able to live an independent, productive, and satisfying life. Brigitte has definitely researched and discovered many answers to the challenges faced by her entire family as everyone worked toward positively dealing with any behavioral and developmental challenges presented by her son’s Autism diagnosis.

As you will hear when you listen to the podcast, Brigitte clearly expressed her conclusion regarding the value of the Pillars for Success and the 9 Pillars of parenting that it teaches to families nationwide who are dealing with similar challenges faced by her family.

She clearly understands the need and the benefit for families to experience positive support and information that will empower them to successfully deal with the developmental and behavioral challenges that are part of the journey. 

Brigitte concluded that the Pillars of Success offers valuable tools to families faced with behavioral challenges of their children. I am grateful for the opportunity to share the benefits of this program to support families in dealing with issues regarding behavior, needs, and solutions to seemingly insoluble challenges.

Thank you, Brigitte, for a stimulating and thought-provoking opportunity to learn more about your journey and for inviting me to share the journey I have traveled that led to the 9 Pillars of Successful Parenting.

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