5 Ways to Avoid Arguments with Your Children

Woman kissing her daughter to avoid arguments

Are you tired of constantly arguing with your child? Here are five suggestions on how to avoid arguing with your child:

1. Offer your child choices (remember, YOU are the one who is still in control because YOU are deciding which choices to offer)

For example, the choices can include:

  • When the requested task will be done
  • How much of it will be done NOW and how much will be done LATER
  • How long the child will work on the requested task (and you can even set the timer to ring when the time is up)
  • Whether or not your child would like your help
  • How you will celebrate once the task is done

2. Start to notice the pattern of when your child gets “needy” and tries to get your attention. Next time, give your child some kind of positive attention just before he/she escalates to the next level of attention seeking.

3. Help your child stay organized by teaching him to keep his toys and other possessions organized. Offer rewards for “toys put away.”

4. Remember to thank your child for the little things: for saying “Okay,” “Good morning,” “Can I help?” or “I don’t want to do it now, can I do it later?”

5. Organize the basic chores you want your child to complete. Make a list of those chores and put a value to them. For example, money earned for completing the chores OR special time spent with your child playing a game, baking together, or going for a walk together. Let your child choose chores he will complete each day and celebrate his cooperation with rewards.

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